MitoSuite: A Graphical Tool for Human Mitochondrial Genome Profiling in Massively Parallel Sequencing

Date : 01/01/2016 File : /Users/MitoSuite/preview.mapped_markdup.bam

Basic Profile

Summary Table

View table

Depth of Coverage

Zoom In: Dragging-area / Zoom Out: Right-clicking

Average Median Std. Q1 Q3 Max Min >10× >20× >30× >40× >50×
92.619 96.0 20.431 81.0 107.0 139.0 2.0 0.999 0.997 0.992 0.987 0.968

Depth table

Summary Statistics

Distribution Plot

* Mapping Quality (BinSize=5), Read Length (BinSize=5), GC-contents (BinSize=0.2)

Summary table

Median Min Max Q1 Q3
MapQ 36.821 1.472 37.0 0.0 37.0 37.0 37.0
Length 70.333 20.323 71.0 30.0 94.0 52.0 93.0
GC(%) 44.575 6.637 44.595 22.892 73.333 40.0 48.936

Phred Score

Box Plot

* The blue box represents the interquantile range (IQR). The upper and lower whiskers show 1.5X IQR. The pink line represents the mean value.

Phred Score table

* Q1: 25th percentile, Q3: 75th percentile

ATGC Frequency

Line plot

Haplogroup Analysis

Estimated Haplogroups (PhyloTree Build 17)

Consensus Sequence

Sequence Support for assembly

The percentage of concordance across mitochondrial genome

>0.7 >0.8 >0.9 =1.0
0.993 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.632

*The percentage of concordance represents consistent base per site of an assembled consensus sequence. Please see the support page for more information.

 consensus.fasta | * Unmapped sites , Phred Score <20 , and Concordance rate ≤0.5 are assigned to 'N' .

Substitutions vs. consensus sequence [Option : Detection of Heteroplasmic sites (MAF :0.05)]

Proportion of substitutions

*Substitution on all sites for an assembled consensus sequence.

Optinal Analysis

Disease-association Analysis (β)

Reports of Disease-Associations in MITOMAP(Oct 02, 2015 version).

*Position column shows a reference sequence position (rCRS).Mutation column means that of Allele in MITOMAP.Please check more detail information at MITOMAP.

Ancient DNA checker (β)

The percentage of mismatch bases on diagnostic sites

Median Min Max C.I.(95%)
1.08 1.394 0.877 0.0 5.31 0.71-1.45

*The percentage is based on inconsistent bases with polymorphic sites of an estimated haplogroup.

Deamination Check